Sleep Training Success Story: 7-Month Old Baby
After 7 months of terrible acid reflux and sleepless nights, I couldn’t take it anymore! After one particular night of literally no sleep, I just started google searching baby sleep, baby sleep consultants, baby sleep trainer, etc… I clicked on CLEbaby, and I thought I would give them a call. After all, their website looked legit, and they were fairly close to home.
I initially spoke with Ashley, the owner. She was very comforting and very calm. We discussed some of the issues I had been struggling with our little one. I explained that our baby had reflux, he was super fussy, and that I was really struggling with sleep training.
I also explained that before I called CLEbaby, I researched many sleep programs and that I did try doing it on my own. No sleep, screaming baby, failed sleep training… I was at my witts end.
Ashely set me up with a conference call with their sleep trainer, Lauren. I explained to Lauren what was going on with our baby, and I listen to her assure me that everything was going to be okay, and that she would take care of all our issues when she came. I was in disbelief!!! I thought to myself, “There is NO way this lady going to get our baby to sleep through the night in three days!” So, we set up the date, and I did what I could to survive until she came.
Sleep Training Success
Well, let me tell you… IT WORKED!!! Lauren did what she said she was going to do.
She came for three nights and four days. She instantly made herself at home, which was nice. She brought her own food, but I did supply a lot of coffee!
She watched our nighttime routine and offered suggestions and tweaks where necessary. Then we put our baby down to sleep. Lauren took the baby monitor and watched him all night. She created a spreadsheet of everything he did during the night.
Now, there was some crying, but each night it was less and less. We not only worked on sleeping through the night, but we also worked on naps during the day.
Lauren was so nice and easy to talk to. When our baby was trying to fall asleep, we watched the baby monitor together, and she explained why he was doing the things he was doing. That was so helpful! After he was asleep, I asked her numerous questions, and she answered them all.
Our son is now 9 months old, and it has been a month and a half since Lauren came to help us. He sleeps from 6:30-7 pm to 6:30-7 am. I put him down happy and awake, and he quietly goes to sleep on his own! He may wake up during the night, but he is able to put himself back to sleep. I am really trying to get him down to two naps during the day, but sometimes we have to have three.
Since Lauren came, our lives have completely changed for the better! My only regret is not having her come sooner than what we did. I am getting a good night’s sleep, and our LO is getting a good night’s sleep. I have also noticed a huge change in his fussiness as well. He is much happier and easy-going than he was before.
Bottom Line: Is it expensive for Lauren to come and sleep train? Yes. Is it worth it? YES! She was professional, insightful, knowledgeable, comforting, and friendly. Plus, after she leaves, you still get to call and text her with any issues you may have. I give CLEbaby two thumbs up and definitely recommend them!
– Tammy T.